
I’ve been watching a show called “Hustle” lately.  It’s a BBC show (figures) and I actually quite like it.  If you’ve ever watched TNT’s “Leverage”, it’s basically like that except they’re British, it’s a bit more humorous, and there is no fourth wall at all.  If you like thieves and have nothing to watch, check it out.  It has 8 seasons, but there are only 6 episodes per season.  Not that bad.  I’m on season 6 right now.

Hannibal the Cannibal: Can You Tell I’m a Fannibal?

I have watched a lot of TV shows over my short existence on this planet called Earth.  Some good, some bad, but some, those rare, rare gems: phenomenal.

NBC’s “Hannibal” is everything TV should aspire to be.  In some aspects, it is beyond the realm of cinematography, instead, existing in the elite world of literature.  True, they were books first, but the even the books have not transcended to the level the show has. (In my amateur opinion)